Category Archives: Latest News

New Cuyahoga County Rental Factbook Released

The new Cuyahoga County Rental Factbook promises to be a resource that housing professionals, advocates and consumers will want to keep close at hand. Readers will find a substantial amount of detailed demographic and housing information about Cuyahoga County and all of its communities that could be useful for planning, research and advocacy efforts. The […]

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Fair Housing Education Opportunities Abound

This spring the Housing Center will present a number of fair housing educational opportunities – workshops, seminars, presentations and a fair. Please take a look at our Events page to find a program that is convenient for you. Many of our programs offer continuing education credits, too. Programs are added regularly, so please check back […]

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Know Your Rights: Disparate Impact Blog Posts and NFHA Resources

On January 21st, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs v. The Inclusive Communities Project, Inc.  The question before the court is whether the disparate impact standard can be used under the Fair Housing Act.  In short, disparate impact says that a policy that appears neutral on its face may be discriminatory if it has a disproportionate negative impact on members of a protected class under the Fair Housing Act.


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Westfield Insurance Partners with the Housing Center to Advance Equal Opportunities in Housing

The Housing Center is expanding its consumer education program through a grant from Westfield Insurance, to reach more low-and moderate-income individuals, increase equal access to housing opportunities, and revitalize communities. Each year in Northeast Ohio, there are over 33,000 instances (reported and unreported) of housing discrimination. Many people do not know that fair housing laws […]

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Equality Ohio Supports New LGBTQ Brochure

Equality Ohio has generously supported the creation of a new brochure for consumers: Fair Housing for the LGBTQ Community. The brochure is available on the Housing Center’s website at A map illustrating the communities that include sexual orientation and gender identity as protected classes accompanies the brochure posting. The Housing Center is grateful to […]

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We are grateful for your support

Recent high profile events have brought race relations to the forefront of our consciousness. The Housing Center believes that when given the opportunity to live together in diverse communities, the belief in stereotypes decreases, and when interacting with one another on an individual basis, we’re less likely to profile people based on race. Fair housing […]

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Freedom from Discrimination Benefits Everyone

Diverse, thriving communities are crucial to our national prosperity in the 21st century. Access to a safe and affordable home near quality schools and employment is central to the American Dream. When it comes to building strong communities, we’re all in it together.

It’s common sense that we should challenge barriers to equality and fairness and look for better ways of doing things. That’s core to who we are as Americans, and it strengthens all communities.


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Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Provides Guidance to Help Lenders Avoid Discrimination Against Consumers Recieving Disability Income

November 18, 2014

Bureau Warns Lenders Against Creating Illegal Hurdles for Recipients of Social Security Disability Income

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) is issuing a bulletin to help lenders avoid imposing illegal burdens on consumers receiving disability income who apply for mortgages. The CFPB is reminding lenders that requiring unnecessary documentation from consumers who receive Social Security disability income may raise fair lending risk. Today’s bulletin calls attention to standards and guidelines that may help lenders comply with the law, and help ensure that recipients of Social Security disability income receive fair and equal access to credit.


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Housing Center Joins NFHA in Charges Against US Bank

For Immediate Release,
November 18, 2014,

by the National Fair Housing Alliance,

U.S. Bank Accused of Racial Discrimination in Five More Cities

Civil Rights Groups Amend Federal Complaint over Neglected Foreclosures, Adding Data from Cleveland, Columbus, Grand Rapids, Kansas City, Minneapolis and Muskegon

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, the National Fair Housing Alliance (NFHA) and three of its member organizations announced new evidence of housing discrimination by Minneapolis-based U.S. Bank as part of an ongoing national investigation into the neglect of bank-owned foreclosures in communities of color.  The civil rights groups allege that U.S. Bank fails to maintain and market its foreclosures (also known as real estate owned or REO properties) in African-American and Latino neighborhoods to the same standard as in White neighborhoods, a practice that violates the federal Fair Housing Act. Today, NFHA and its partners are adding 162 REO investigations to the complaint, bringing the total number of U.S. Bank REOs investigated to 651 in 24 metropolitan areas.


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Housing Center Joins Civil Rights Groups in Expanded Discrimination Complaint against Bank of America

The Housing Research and Advocacy Center joined with other fair housing organizations from across the country to investigate how Bank of America continues to maintain and market bank-owned foreclosures (also known as real estate owned or REO properties) in white neighborhoods and in African-American and Latino neighborhoods. This investigation resulted in an expanded discrimination complaint against Bank of America. The press release below contains a brief description of the investigation and complaint.


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AFFH Assessment Tool Released Today for Review

The Housing Center learned today that HUD released  an important part of the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) regulation this morning for public comment. This proposed AFFH “template” is the form that jurisdictions will use for their new Assessment of Fair Housing. The release of the template is a perfect opportunity to once again weigh […]

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