Category Archives: Latest News

Faces of Fair Housing: Ellie Kilpatrick

We know that fair housing is essential to building more fair and inclusive communities — but have you ever stopped to wonder what really goes into this work? (Hint: we couldn’t do what we do without some pretty amazing people.) Over the next few months, we will be putting the spotlight on the people who are immersed in this work every day, as we introduce you to the “Faces of Fair Housing”. In our first spotlight, we’re talking with Ellie Kilpatrick, Enforcement Intern at the Fair Housing Center. Check out our interview with Ellie as she shares what motivates her to do this work!


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Housing Research & Advocacy Center Rebranded As Fair Housing Center for Rights & Research


Contact: Carrie Pleasants, Executive Director, (216) 361-9240,

The new logo for the rebranded Fair Housing Center for Rights & Research

Advocacy Center board and staff are excited to announce the rebranding of the Housing Research & Advocacy Center to its new name, the Fair Housing Center for Rights & Research (The Fair Housing Center). The new brand identity more accurately reflects the organization as a fair housing agency, borne out of the passage of the Fair Housing Act 50 years ago on April 11th. The new name further signifies a commitment to protecting fair housing rights and to producing high-quality housing-related research.


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The Housing Center Releases the 11th Annual State of Fair Housing in Northeast Ohio Report

State of Fair Housing in Northeast Ohio Report April 2016

Housing discrimination is still a problem in Northeast Ohio. In 2015, there were 143 complaints of housing discrimination in Northeast Ohio that were filed with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, up from the 25-year average of 138.9. Although the increase in cases filed is significant, it represents only a small fraction of the total number of instances of housing discrimination in the region.


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Housing Center Welcomes New Executive Director

The board and staff are excited to announce the appointment of Carrie Pleasants to Executive Director of the Housing Research & Advocacy Center. Ms. Pleasants had served as the Associate Director of The Housing Center since 2008. Please welcome Carrie and congratulate her on her new position at the Fair Housing Reception on April 28th!

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Housing Research & Advocacy Center Releases Report on Housing Voucher Mobility in Cuyahoga County

Map showing distribution of housing Vouchers across Cuyahoga County

Housing mobility for participants in the housing voucher programs in Cuyahoga County is low as voucher participants are being excluded from high opportunity areas. Housing Research & Advocacy Center’s (The Housing Center) newest report, “Housing Voucher Mobility in Cuyahoga County,” examines the ability of voucher participants to choose where they live and those obstacles that prevent participants from accessing housing in greater opportunity areas. Within Cuyahoga County, households using vouchers are clustered in racially segregated areas, with high poverty, high crime, low educational opportunities, and high exposure to environmental hazards.


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Housing Research & Advocacy Center Examines LGBTQ Housing Discrimination in Cuyahoga County

Housing discrimination against the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) community is widespread throughout Cuyahoga County. Housing Research & Advocacy Center’s (The Housing Center) newest report, “Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Housing Discrimination in Cuyahoga County” assesses the prevalence of housing discrimination in rental transactions in Cuyahoga County based on sexual orientation and gender identity. 


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Housing Fair: Home Accessibility for Every Age and Stage

Autumn is all about comfort. From pumpkin spiced lattes to cozy sweaters. It’s also time to think about the comforts of home. Come to our Housing Fair: Home Accessibility for Every Age and Stage on October 14, 2015, from 2-7 p.m., at the Stephanie Tubbs Jones Community Building, 3450 Lee Road, in Shaker Heights. This free event is open to all residents to meet experts who can help you evaluate your housing options at every stage of life. 


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Housing Research & Advocacy Center Applauds New Fair Housing Rule

Cleveland, Ohio – An important new fair housing regulation – aimed at promoting diverse, inclusive communities and overcoming the negative effects of segregation – was issued today by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The regulation is designed to guide jurisdictions in complying with their existing obligations to “affirmatively further fair housing,” a key provision of the 1968 Fair Housing Act. It requires state and local governments and housing authorities to consider how to eliminate fair housing barriers for people of color, families with children and people with disabilities.


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Supreme Court Affirms Disparate Impact Doctrine!

This morning the Supreme Court affirmed the fact that the doctrine of disparate impact applies to the application of the Fair Housing Act. This is a major victory for civil rights and all Americans seeking equal and fair access to housing in America. You can link to the court’s decision at

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National Fair Housing Alliance Condemns House’s Multiple Assaults on Fair Housing – Funding Bill Attacks Local and National Efforts to Fight Discrimination

WASHINGTON, DC –The U.S. House of Representatives narrowly approved a funding bill late Tuesday that will prohibit local fair housing agencies and HUD from effectively enforcing the Fair Housing Act on multiple fronts.  Lawmakers approved language that eliminates federal grant funding to local nonprofit fair housing centers making it easier for banks, landlords, and other housing providers to discriminate with impunity.  The bill also included language blocking HUD’s nearly final Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) rule, and its disparate impact rule, both of which are important tools to stop illegal housing discrimination and promote safe and stable communities.


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