Fair Housing Center for Rights & Research Releases Report on State of Fair Housing in Northeast Ohio
FOR RELEASE: June 19, 2019
Contact: Michael Lepley
Phone: (216) 361-9240, x209.
E-mail: mlepley@thehousingcenter.org
Cleveland, Ohio – Housing discrimination persists in Northeast Ohio. In 2018, there were 138 complaints of housing discrimination in Northeast Ohio that were filed with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development with a 25-year average of 141.1 complaints filed. The Fair Housing Center estimates that there are at least 33,690 instances of housing discrimination annually in the region showing that the complaints filed represent only a small fraction of the total number of instances of housing discrimination in the region. Over the past five years (2014-2018), the most common bases of discrimination alleged in complaints were disability (37.9%), race (20.2%), and familial status (17.5%). The Fair Housing Center uncovered housing discrimination against the LGBTQ community in 34.1% of rental transactions and against survivors of domestic violence in 35.9% of rental transactions.