Category Archives: Blog

COVID Relief Bill May Help Renters Keep Their Housing

As the COVID-19 pandemic persists, the number of renters behind on rent continues to rise. And so does the dire need for federal assistance. To support those struggling, the federal government recently passed a $2.3 trillion relief package. This support could help struggling renters remain in their housing — at least for a little longer. […]

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What Will a New Administration Mean for Fair Housing?

The presidential administration and those appointed to cabinet positions—particularly the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development—have a direct impact on fair housing work. And the recent news that Northeast Ohio’s own Rep. Marcia Fudge has been nominated to lead HUD has a lot of people buzzing about housing. As President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect […]

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If you are currently out of work and struggling to pay your rent, you are not alone. In the past six months, the COVID-19 pandemic has caused millions of Americans to lose their jobs, rack up expensive medical bills, and face financial insecurity, all of which are making it more and more difficult for renters […]

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ACLU, ACLU of Ohio, The Legal Aid Society of Cleveland, Fair Housing Center for Rights & Research, and City of Bedford Reach Settlement Repealing the City’s Nuisance Ordinance

BEDFORD – The City of Bedford agreed to repeal its Criminal Activity Nuisance Ordinance (CANO) and pay a settlement amount of $350,000 as a result of litigation brought by the ACLU, the ACLU of Ohio and The Legal Aid Society of Cleveland on behalf of Beverley Somai, a Bedford resident, and the Fair Housing Center […]

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Public Statement on Racial Justice from the Board of Directors of the Fair Housing Center for Rights & Research

The Fair Housing Center for Rights & Research is a Cleveland based not for profit fair housing agency that promotes equal housing opportunities and positive race relations in Northeast Ohio. For over 35 years, The Fair Housing Center has been working to protect and expand fair housing rights, eliminate housing discrimination, and promote integrated communities.  […]

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The Color of Law: A Review

ALEXANDER CHAVERS, GUEST BLOGGER Rothstein’s “The Color of Law” is a book that forces us to take a long look at the history of housing segregation in America. From private realtors to neighborhood councils, to public works projects and even legislation, many factors have helped to continue the practice of dividing cities based on black […]

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What if the Zebras Lost Their Stripes? – A Review

EMILY MARTIN, COMMUNICATIONS & OUTREACH SPECIALIST ANDREW ENGLISH, JR. GUEST BLOGGER John Reitano’s What if the Zebras Lost Their Stripes? allows kids to explore racial diversity by imagining what might happen if zebras lost their stripes, resulting in some animals becoming all-black and others all-white. Reitano asks, “What if the Zebras lost their stripes, and […]

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Evicted: A Review

LAUREN AMMERMAN, GUEST BLOGGER Matthew Desmond’s Pulitzer Prize-winning Evicted is an excellent place to start for any reader who wants to delve into the world of fair housing research. An approachable read, Evicted follows individuals and families in some of Milwaukee’s low-income neighborhoods. The book represents both landlord and tenant perspectives, and readers get to […]

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It’s Okay to Be Different: A Review

EMILY MARTIN, COMMUNICATIONS & OUTREACH SPECIALIST ANDREW ENGLISH, JR. GUEST BLOGGER Todd Parr’s It’s Okay to Be Different offers young readers affirmation of their differences, as it cleverly celebrates diversity in all its forms. This colorful picture book encourages early literacy, enhances emotional development, celebrates multiculturalism, and promotes character growth. It’s Okay to Be Different […]

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