Category Archives: Blog

Despite Progress, LGBTQ+ Homeowners Still Face Challenges

In addition to being LGBTQ+ Pride Month, June is also National Homeownership Month. Historically, individuals identifying as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, or queer have faced discrimination in housing, as well as other areas of society. While progress has been made over the years, disparities still exist in access to homeownership among the LGBTQ+ community. […]

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We need to talk about racism in America.

Republican Presidential candidate Nikki Haley recently stated that America has “never been a racist country.” Whether she truly believes this claim, or it was an attempt to appeal to her political base, Haley isn’t alone in her misguided stance on America’s racism (or lack thereof). In fact, the American public is deeply divided in their views on addressing […]

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We asked our advocates why they fight for fair housing. Here’s what they had to say.

The fair housing movement supports the idea that every person living in the United States—regardless of their race, color, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, or familial status—should have equal access to the most basic of needs: a place to call home. While many forms of housing discrimination have been illegal for […]

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Housing Discrimination Complaints Reach Highest Levels Ever Recorded, According to Local and National Fair Housing Advocates

Locally and nationally, we are seeing a dramatic rise in housing discrimination complaints. Recently, the National Fair Housing Alliance (NFHA) released its 2023 Fair Housing Trends Report, which annually examines trends in housing discrimination and provides policy recommendations. The findings of NFHA’s report, along with The Fair Housing Center’s 2023 State of Fair Housing in […]

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Our Approach to Equity Must Be Affirmative

It’s no secret that the United States has a long history of discrimination and inequity. Whether you look at the history of education, employment, or housing, the story is largely the same. For decades, people of color and other marginalized groups have been excluded from the benefits of the so-called “American Dream.” In response, a […]

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Remodeling Inequities: Analyzing Geographic Trends in Home Improvement Loans in Cuyahoga County

By Austin Cummings, Research Associate “Financial violence is racial violence: geographies of housing financialization spatialize hierarchies of death-dealing difference.” – ­Desire Fields and Elora Lee Raymond (2021). Racialized geographies of housing financialization. Progress in Human Geography. Vol.45(6) 1625-1645. DOI: 10.1177/03091132521009299. Home improvement, repair, and update projects serve a number of purposes. They help households increase […]

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