The fair housing movement supports the idea that every person living in the United States—regardless of their race, color, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, or familial status—should have equal access to the most basic of needs: a place to call home. While many forms of housing discrimination have been illegal for more than fifty-five years, the work is far from over. Fair housing advocates and organizations throughout the country continuously work to eliminate housing discrimination and create a reality where housing is fair and equitable for all people.
At the Fair Housing Center for Rights & Research, our team members contribute to this work in a number of meaningful ways. We educate folks on their fair housing rights and responsibilities, push for equitable housing policy through our research, and fiercely advocate for our clients, in our continued effort to fight for fair housing for all. We asked some of our dedicated team members why they fight for fair housing. Here’s what they had to say:

I fight for fair housing because everyone is deserving of safe, affordable, and equal opportunity within housing!
– Abby Jakobsky, Housing Justice Intern

I fight for fair housing because someone has to.
– David Quigley, Mobility Counselor

I fight for fair housing because every person deserves to live where they choose, free from discrimination.
– Emily Martin, Communications & Outreach Specialist

I fight for fair housing because housing is a human right.
– Tanesha Hunter, Director of Education & Outreach
Access to stable housing is so foundational that it can quite literally impact the trajectory of a person’s life. Where you live determines your access to public transportation, quality education, community resources, and even your health outcomes. That’s why this work is so important. Through fair housing advocacy, enforcement, and education, we seek to build a future where equitable access to the housing of one’s choice is a reality for everyone, no matter what.
When you support fair housing work, you are helping your neighbors gain access to housing that meets their needs and is right for their family. Whether you volunteer, spread the word about fair housing work, or make a donation to help our team continue fighting for fair housing, you have the potential to change lives for the better. During this season of giving, we encourage you to ask yourself why you fight for fair housing, and how you can support fair housing work in your community.