Faces of Fair Housing: Andrea Bruno

Andrea Bruno, board member of the Fair Housing Center for Rights & Research

Meet Andrea Bruno, board member of the Fair Housing Center for Rights & Research. We asked Andrea some questions to learn more about her and her involvement with our board of directors. Check out what she had to say!

Q: How long have you been a board member for the Fair Housing Center?
A: I have been a board member since 2014.

Q: How did you get connected with the Fair Housing Center, and what makes you want to stay involved with this work?
A: Prior to joining the board, I knew of the Fair Housing Center through their fantastic research efforts. It was such a great local resource to have at my fingertips during grad school – housing data! My favorite! At the time of joining the board, I was working in the community and with residents who benefited from the services of the Fair Housing Center. I saw firsthand how lower income neighborhoods desperately needed someone to turn to with their fair housing questions and needs. Information is power. Providing valuable and relatable information to residents and landlords empowers people to better their living situations and in turn, create stronger communities.

Q: What do you do for a living?
A: As of August, I am the Real Estate Officer at the Cuyahoga County Land Reutilization Corporation (CCLRC). I manage the real estate closings for the land banks for-sale renovation projects & new construction projects. I also help on the technical assistance side of new construction projects overseen by CCLRC which are happening all throughout Cuyahoga County! Prior to my time at CCLRC, I worked for St Clair Superior Development Corporation as their Director of Residential Real Estate. I am an urban planner by trade so creating quality and safe housing options for all is important to me.

Q: What do you like to do in your free time?
A: I love spending time at home with my husband and dogs, Sophie Lou and Mia Marie. I enjoy entertaining and cooking for family and friends, and doing yoga!

Q: What do you want people to know about the Fair Housing Center?
A: The Fair Housing Center is a one-stop-shop when it comes to fair housing resources. To have the capacity of support specialists taking in calls from people who have experienced housing discrimination, to a research team that is tracking and detailing fair housing data – the Fair Housing Center offers a myriad of services & research. We are so lucky to have this resource in Northeast Ohio! Often times, people may not know that they will need the services of the Fair Housing Center – until a situation is presented that requires their attention. When that situation is presented, it is then that people truly understand the value & necessity of the Fair Housing Center.  

Stay tuned for more spotlights by following the hashtag #FacesOfFairHousing on Instagram and be sure to check back for new content on our blog.

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