If you’d like to report housing discrimination, please click here or call us at (216) 361-9240 and leave a voicemail, including your name, a brief message, and the best way to reach you.
Due to a high volume of calls and emails, please allow up to one week for a response from an advocate. While our team is primarily working remotely, staff members will be checking voicemail and email regularly and will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience.
Contact Our Team
If you believe you have experienced housing discrimination, or if you have questions about your fair housing rights, please click “Email Our Advocates.” By providing a telephone number, completing the “Report Housing Discrimination” webform, or using information from our “Contact Us” page, social media, or outreach materials, you are consenting to be contacted by SMS text message from The Fair Housing Center for Rights & Research. Message & data rates may apply. You can reply STOP to opt-out of further messaging. To send a message to a specific advocate, please see their emails below:
Megan Crow, Director of Client Advocacy | Email: mcrow@thehousingcenter.org
Alek Nielsen, Client Advocate | Email: anielsen@thehousingcenter.org
Chantina Bush, Client Advocate | Email: cbush@thehousingcenter.org
Mary Knapp, Client Advocate | Email: mknapp@thehousingcenter.org
For inquiries related to our research and reports, please contact:
Austin Cummings, Senior Research Associate | Email: acummings@thehousingcenter.org
For inquiries related to VAPAC or our policy work, please contact:
Frank Ford, Senior Policy Advisor | Email: fford@thehousingcenter.org
For inquiries related to our mobility program, please contact
Michael Lepley, Mobility Program Director | Email: mlepley@cuyahogamobility.org
For inquiries related to our education & outreach activities, or to schedule a fair housing training, please click “Email Our Education & Outreach Team.” To send a message to a specific team member, please see their emails below:
Tanesha Hunter, Director of Education & Outreach| Email: thunter@thehousingcenter.org
Emily Martin, Communications & Outreach Specialist | Email: emartin@thehousingcenter.org
For general inquiries, please contact:
Carrie Pleasants, Executive Director | Email: cpleasants@thehousingcenter.org
Kris Keniray, Associate Director | Email: kkeniray@thehousingcenter.org
Abigail Beard, Office Administrator | Email: abeard@thehousingcenter.org