Faces of Fair Housing: Darlene English

Darlene English, Director of Education

In week four of our spotlight series, we’re talking with Darlene English. Darlene has an expansive knowledge of fair housing, which she shares with the public in her role as Director of Education and Outreach. Check out what Darlene has to say below!

What brought you to the Fair Housing Center?
I was a nonprofit professional looking for a position at an organization with a strong mission, and work that would have an impact. The Education & Outreach Coordinator position (where I started) allowed me to get out in the community and empower individuals to know their fair housing rights.

How long have you worked here?
I’ve been with the Fair Housing Center for 10 years!

Can you briefly describe your role at the Fair Housing Center?
As Director of Education and Outreach I guide our department to increase the public’s awareness of fair housing issues, particularly rights and responsibilities, keeping abreast of new laws that are passed, and best practices in the fair housing arena for creating more integrated communities.

What is your favorite part of your job?
Aside from working with a really passionate, smart group of people, I love the moment when I can convert a fair housing skeptic to one who can appreciate and embrace inclusive communities.

What do you like to do in your free time?
I love spending time with my husband, 3 kids and dog Mimi, going to yoga and book club. I also love my volunteer work on the board of directors for the ACLU of Ohio, as well as the national ACLU, and Literary Cleveland. I am a writer and blogger, and I haven’t met a writing class I didn’t like.

If you could choose one fair housing issue that you wish people knew more about, what would it be?
Residential integration and the beauty of learning from and appreciating what other ethnicities and races bring to the table. I really believe if we lived more integrated lives with one another, there would not be as much hatred and division that we see now, which really comes out of fear of the unknown.

Stay tuned for more spotlights by following the hashtag #FacesOfFairHousing on Instagram and be sure to check back for weekly content on our blog.

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