Freedom from Discrimination Benefits Everyone

Diverse, thriving communities are crucial to our national prosperity in the 21st century. Access to a safe and affordable home near quality schools and employment is central to the American Dream. When it comes to building strong communities, we’re all in it together.

It’s common sense that we should challenge barriers to equality and fairness and look for better ways of doing things. That’s core to who we are as Americans, and it strengthens all communities.

Policy-makers have a responsibility to ensure equal opportunity for everyone. When there’s evidence that a particular policy- like allowing borrowers who qualify for lower interest rates to be unfairly charged higher rates-there’s also a responsibility to reexamine or abandon that process for one that’s both fair and effective.

Ensuring fair rules that are evenly enforced is a core function of our government. And that’s especially true when it comes to upholding our national promise of equal opportunity for all.

The disparate impact doctrine safeguards the right to a fair chance for everyone. Where you live determines where you work and how you get there, your access to healthcare, and the school your child attends. Unfortunately, policies and practices still exist-intentionally and unintentionally-that keep far too many people out of housing they can afford simply because of who they are.

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